Saturday, February 22, 2014

Whole30, Days 23-25

Definitely in the home stretch now. I think my sleep issues are more or less related to the house being warm enough for the baby, but my not being able to keep my room cool enough for me to sleep. Finding that balance has been trial and error. Also, I think it is some adjustment to the husband being home as well. I got used to that big ole bed all for me! Plus, in the last two weeks, we've had all four seasons here, so the dramatic changes in temperature are a doozy as well. And it's the end of the quarter: I'm tired, frustrated, and ready for a break. At least today and Monday we are watching a movie, so I get a bit of rest. I don't have to "perform" per se, and teaching can be exhausting, at least with the amount of energy I put into it.

The last day of the Whole30 is Tuesday. Five more days, including today. I have to say, I really want to do my measurements because my clothes are fitting better.

I am on the fence now though about continuing for another 30 days. I think it might be better, that is, more convenient, and alleviate a bit of pressure really on both me and Mom if we could do six super clean days, and Saturday be the treat day, because I tell you what--I miss my buffalo chicken salads on Saturdays and having a day that doesn't involve cooking, prep, or leftovers. And should I find myself sliding into the whole weekend of treats and then it bleeding over into the week, then it's another Whole30. And I just miss being able to veg out on Saturdays and not have to plan for anything in advance. I'm usually wiped out by Saturday.

I was thinking too that I need to reframe my thoughts here on my pre-baby weight. When I was talking about it yesterday, I realized how clouded my thinking on it was. it's not the weight I'm trying to get back to; it's the pre-baby size, which is probably equally jacked up, but I'm trying to at least take the focus off the number on the scale. Yes, I do really want to get back into my cute summer clothes. I do want to be able to fit into my jeans from the before time as well, and my shirts, and god knows, I need new underwear, too. As I keep mentioning, there's a practical reason for this, too. I just don't want to have to buy a new summer wardrobe. While it's true that I'll probably buy some clothes anyway, I don't want them to be a temporary fix, and I don't want to *have* to buy them. I'd like to be able to consider buying something new because it's cute or to have a new pair of shorts or something. I don't want it to be a necessity (because I'll probably window shop a bunch of cute things I want but not buy anything and save my money, but if I don't have anything I can fit into, then that's money spent. Sigh). We'll see what happens.

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