Monday, July 23, 2012

Days 15-18 (Recap)

I attribute the last few days to my diet--while I'm working really hard in my CrossFit class and am actually quite tired today, I feel like my ability to push myself as hard as I have been and make the improvements I've been able to make in 10 as far as my work output can be attributed to the Paleo eating. Seriously. I mean, I've lifted before; I've worked with trainers before, and I've done the P90X and P90X2. I've lifted light; I've lifted heavy. I've worked out 5-7 days a week before. The thing that is the most different this time is the eating. I'm getting much stronger much quicker.

Granted, school's not in session, so I have time to rest and recover. And I've been hitting it hard and consistently because I really want to improve and compete in this. The trainer Saturday told me that if I want to really see improvements, then I need to come in and just work on "skills" after the workouts. And those will smoke ya, too.

That being said, I think I'm able to give more in my work outs and get more out of them. What is significant, too, is that I have minimal soreness. One would think with the amount of weight I'm moving that I wouldn't be able to walk or lift my arms. I do a fair amount of stretching, but in the first week of this Whole30, I was sore, I couldn't recover, and I felt awful. Now, I feel pretty good. I mean, today was really the first day that I just didn't want to go work out, but as soon as I got my work out clothes on, I was fine. (I ended up kicking ass today, too!). But I have great recovery right now in my muscles.

So really in the past few days, that's what I've come to notice the most. My strength and recovery are improving.

I will say that it was REALLY hard to resist chips and salsa last night as Boudreaux cheated and ate some when we went out for Mexican last night. I'm glad I didn't because I think had I had chips I would not have done as well this morning. But that was really the first time since week one that I really really wanted something that I couldn't have (because I'm not cheating. I've made it 18 full days. I'm not giving up now! less than 2 weeks to go!!).

Sleep still pretty good. I'm really tired today, so I predict a nap in about 10 minutes or so here.

My hunger seems to have stabilized. So has Boudreaux's. I figured out how to get him more fat (a whole avocado with lunch for him), so he's not so ravenous all afternoon anymore.

And on that note, I think I'm going to go take a nap and do some work. I think though when the 30 days is up, I would like some chips and salsa and a glass of wine. Boudreaux wants pizza and beer.

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