Thursday, January 23, 2014

Whole30 Pre-Game

I discovered the culprit behind the stomach troubles. This. Sadly. But, even though I'm a distributor, it does go to show that one should rely on real, whole food, not supplements and the like, though there are vitamins in there, too. I'm a big fan of most of this stuff, but the challenge thing did not work for me. So for a week I've thought I've had the stomach flu which has kept me from my workouts. Double whamy.

I'm sort of pre-gaming here with the Whole30. I'm excited about giving it another go. I'm excited about getting myself closer to optimal capacity here, but I still want to be able to have my king cake and eat it too until then. My meals from now until Monday will basically be Whole30 meals, but with dinner wine and king cake. And I'll enjoy my lattes until then, too.

I am hopeful.

Additionally, I'm hopeful that getting everything else in place will help with my professional and financial goals, actually. If I can think and focus and not have to reread stuff and get the grading done when it comes in and can focus on it, then that frees up time to get my writing done. And I've got two new preps including a grad class next quarter, so I need to be able to focus. Financially, when I'm feeling good, I'm less likely to mindlessly buy things and spend money in an attempt to be happy or look pretty or something. Plus, we need a minivan and we need to own our own house here, and we need one with more room than what we have now. Especially if there are more children in our future.

I'm also excited about reviving this blog, too. I have found that aside from the time I get to spend with my daughter, I'm truly at my happiest when I'm writing something, anything. And I need to make that happen consistently and be the focus of my life.

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